Posts Tagged ‘opinion vs. reality’

The Man, The Myth, The Legend – Part 1


I’ve heard people talk as if the Bible were just a myth, to be compared to fantasy works such as Homer’s Odyssey or On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.  But the Apostles wrote specifically to give evidence for their faith.  John said he wrote so that the reader may continue to believe.  Luke said he wanted to write down a detailed history of the life of Jesus and the early church.  The writers certainly weren’t presenting myth.  But I have found that when people are presented with a truth they don’t like, they often try to find ways to reject it.  So it would make sense that people who live their lives in opposition to the Bible would try to discount it.

Unfortunately for such people there is an abundance of evidence to support the truth of Scripture, and one day truth will come crashing down upon them like a ton of brimstone.  I hope that doesn’t describe you!

The Man Behind the Curtain


Ever heard the term “Too big for your britches”?  A lot of people sure do like to puff themselves up.  Just think about all the politicians you see on TV.  Some people just get power hungry and end up abusing their power.  And so often, the higher you go up the chain of power, the more corrupt those people get.  But all the power in the world is nothing to God.  It’s difficult to imagine what infinite power must be like.  But it’s enough to know that that kind of power ought to be respected.  And those people with more power than others, will be called into account for how they managed the resources they were allowed to steward.  And everyone, will be judged by God’s omnipotent judgment one day.  So my suggestion: don’t get too big for your britches.

For His Name’s Sake


Have you ever thought about what it means to have the Lord as your shepherd?  Jesus said “I am the good shepherd.”  He said other people might play the part and pretend to be like that.  But nobody will ever care for you like Jesus, because they’re only like hired hands.  When trouble comes they’ll take off and leave you to fend for yourself.  They’ll let the wolves eat you because they’re just in it for the money.  They’re not willing to put their lives on the line for you.  But Jesus already gave his life for you.

It really is good to have a Good Shepherd.

High Seas Adventure – Part Two


Did you know that there are a number of passages in the Bible that tell Christians to meet together to fellowship and worship.  It’s not only good to have church, but you could argue that a person isn’t a very good Christian if they avoid going to church on a regular basis.

Of course just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car.  However, a real Christian, who cares about Jesus and the Bible always looks forward to meeting with fellow believers to be encouraged in his work for the faith.

And that’s so important.  Because even more often than it talks about worshiping together, the Bible tells Christians to preach God’s Good News to the world.  And if you’re not doing that, well what good are you to God.  That’s our most important task.  A Christian who doesn’t go to church is like an athlete who doesn’t go to practice.  But a Christian who doesn’t share his faith is like a firefighter that refuses to put out fires.  The first will just lose you the game, but the second will cause lives to be lost.

High Seas Adventure – Part One


Have you ever taken a big trip somewhere?  It usually a lot of fun to get out on the open road (or skies or seas–whatever the case may be) and travel to someplace new and different, and enjoy the sights and experiences.  But what if you were forced to go on a long trip that you didn’t want to go on?  That happened to Paul.  He went on plenty of trips that he wanted to take because he liked being a missionary.  But there was one pretty disastrous trip that he didn’t have a choice about.  And you know what?  In spite of all the difficulties and his life being endangered a number of times, he seemed to make a pretty adventurous trip out of the ordeal.

We’re Alive!


I think it’s funny how people portray Heaven as a white cloudy kind of place where people dress in robes and have halos and play harps.  And then people look at that made up idea and say it’s boring, so they’re not all that interested in going.

Of course the reality of Heaven is beyond our imagination.  The Bible says it’s massive and full of color and lights and trees and flowing water.  But it’s also a place of worship.  It will be like church 24/7.  And people will be singing praises to God and worshiping him non-stop.  Of course that idea doesn’t appeal to anyone who doesn’t believe in or like God.  So they probably wouldn’t be interested in Heaven anyway.

of course everybody who admits the truth, understands how great God is and how worthy he is of our worship and obedience, and how limitless the blessings of a relationship with God is.  But they like to hold on to the idea that Heaven is like winning the lottery and doing whatever you want without interaction with God.  Many people think they can con God into letting them into Heaven in spite of their sinful hearts and lives and that somehow their hearts and minds will magically change when they die.  But the scary truth is, your heart and mind are judged for what they are and if you’re not purified before you kick the bucket, you’ll be pitched out and burned with all the other impurities that aren’t worthy of entering God’s presence.

What do you think of that thought?



I remember when the word tolerance used to mean only accepting those things that fall within acceptable limits.  For example a machined bolt had to be made within tolerance or else it was garbage because it would do the job it was designed to do.  So it was ok to have a little adjustment room, but if you never set any limits, you would actually be working against the ability of things to function well.

Today, culture has redefined the word to mean basically the opposite.  You only have tolerance if you have no moral boundaries.  Tolerance today goes beyond just accepting other viewpoints to actually supporting all views and lifestyles regardless of how dangerous they may be to yourself, your family, and society.

It’s an impossible system because if applied fairly in all cases the philosophy should accept even the viewpoints of Christians who do not accept anti-God behaviors.  But  typically the modern “tolerance” movement accepts everything except conservative Christian values.

In the Master’s Hands


In the right hands a wrench can build an engine, a pen can write an epic, and a paintbrush can create a masterpiece.  But when it comes down to it, all those things are inanimate tools.  But what if the tool had a life of it’s own.  What if the brush could cooperate with the artist and help create a unique work of art together?  What if the Artist could put the brush in motion, and let go, and watch the paintbrush go on creating?

I know that sounds weird.  But we have a Master who wants to do amazing things with us, and we are not inanimate objects.  We are living, breathing, thinking, beings, with a will and creativity and desire.  So the real question is, how can you cooperate with the Master to create something beautiful with what he has made you to do?

It’s the End of the World as We Know It


Repent…for the end is nigh!

Have you noticed how many people these days are predicting the end of the world?

Do you ever worry about that?

A Walk Through the Book of Romans: Chapter 5


CHAPTER FIVE – Do You Want The Good News or The Bad News First?

Have you ever notice how things can completely change depending on your perspective?  For example, imagine that you’re asleep–a nice comfortable sleep filled with sweet dreams and somebody slaps you in the face so that you wake up to a very sore cheek.  How do you feel about that person?

Ok, now say the same scenario happens, but once you’re awake the person who hit you explains that the building you’re in is on fire, and you need to get out before you’re trapped inside.  Now how do you feel about that person?

The Bible can bring about different reactions from different people.  For example.  If you don’t love God, and your life demonstrates a disregard for how he has told us to live, much of the Bible is going to sound pretty harsh–and even frightening.  But if you’ve been saved by God, and your life shows it through living the way he tells us to, then you’re going to read the same Bible with a lot of thanks and joyfulness.

So what do you get out of it–good news or bad news?

PS. I don’t know what happened, but this one has terrible sound quality too.  The others are better.