Posts Tagged ‘faith’

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 2 – Part 4 God’s Kingdom Rocks


“I’m George…George McFly.  I’m your density.”

Here’s an interesting thing to think about: you don’t have to be a time traveler in order to change your destiny.  Well, I guess technically you do, but technically you are traveling in time, you are constantly moving forward in time.  So the only thing you need to do to change your destiny, is to change your mind.  If you want to end or begin a habit, all you have to do is decide to.  If you want to turn around and go the other way, just turn around.  What makes it so difficult to change our destiny, is that we get lazy and don’t want to change.

Jesus offers anybody a brand new life.  And the magic key to changing our eternal destiny is simple, true, faith.  The thing about faith though, is that it’s not just a word you say, it’s a real mindset.  It’s an eternal commitment.  You dedicate yourself to whatever God wants for you and he dedicates his own Spirit to guide and empower you to follow through on your commitment of faith.

Are you ready to change your destiny?

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 2 – Part 3 I Have a Vision!


How would you like to hear from God?  Does that idea scare you, excite you, make you curious?  Real prayer is not just talking to the sky.  Prayer is real communication.  It’s meant to build a relationship.  God doesn’t just want a list of your desires or concerns.  He wants your heart.  So if you seem to have a bad connection when you pray, there’s probably a good reason for it.  If you have ongoing sin in your life, you’re pushing God away.  Why would you expect a good relationship with someone you are continually abusing?  Do you read your Bible?  Why would you expect to receive new communications, if you don’t bother to read the Word he’s already sent you?

If you want an effective prayer life, try having an informed and caring relationship with the God who already knows and cares so much about you.

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 2 – Part 2 Pick a Card Any Card


I love a good magical illusion.  And when someone pulls off a trick with great skill, I always enjoy it.  I’ve seen so many tricks, that I know how many of them work, but it’s still fun to see somebody else do a good job of it.  But it’s even more fun when somebody shows me a trick that I can’t figure out.  It gets my brain working trying to figure out how they did that.

It’s interesting though when people fool themselves with their own illusions.  They think they can somehow live an immoral life without any consequences.  So they lie and cheat and steal and deceive others and themselves.  And they might be able to fool some of the people some of the time, but there is one who is never fooled.  God knows the hearts and minds of people.  So as much as someone might pretend they don’t have to account for their behavior, they’re only fooling themselves.  So when you’re dealing with God, let me give you one piece of advice.  Be honest.  He knows more than you can imagine.  There is only one way to keep your life, and that’s living it God’s way.  And there’s no fooling God.

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 2 – Part 1 Living the Dream


This chapter gets us into the famous dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had.  And it’s the purity of Daniel’s faith displayed in Chapter 1 that opened the door for him to demonstrate the power of God to the king.

What I hope you’ll think about is that Daniel is just a young man with no real power or amazing skills.  What makes him special is his faith.  That means if you have a pure heart and true faith, you can see amazing miracles too.

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 1 – Part 4 Test Prep



Those words are usually only scary when you’re not prepared.  But if you have studied prepared, then test time is a little easier to deal with.  And it’s the same with real life.  If you prepare yourself for challenges, then when hardships hit, they are much less stressful.

Daniel was obviously pretty well prepared for the challenges he would face in Babylonian captivity.  You can tell by the way he handled himself even when it came to the seemingly small things like what he ate–or rather what he chose not to eat.

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 1 – Part 3 What’s in a Name?


There are all sorts of pressures in life.  And it seems a lot of people use those pressures as excuses for not doing their best–or even worse–for doing bad things.  But the truth is, how you react to the difficult situations that life can throw at us is what really defines you as a person.

So, are you the kind of person who rises to the occasion?  Or do you fall apart under the pressure is on.  Take a listen to how young Daniel dealt with difficulty.

Click the link to listen.

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 1 – Part 2 I Need a Hero (Part 2)


What’s it like to live as a hero?  I don’t mean to do one great thing and then be lauded as a hero for one act.  I mean living day in and day out according to principles that take dedication and perseverance to follow through on your convictions and not give up when it’s hard.  Is there somebody you look up to because they live a life worthy of respect?  That’s the kind of hero Daniel was–a nobody who became famous simply for doing the right thing in every circumstance, and God used him because of his faithfulness.

Click the Podcast link to listen.

Listen to Mommy! – Mothers Day


What makes a mom?  Is it just the fact that a woman gets pregnant and has a kid?  Or is there more to it?  I think there’s something to be said for all those qualities that are worthy of honor; the willingness to sacrifice her own wants to care for her kids, fighting to protect her children from people and things that she knows will harm them, constantly making opportunities to teach her kids the things that will help them become better people.  I think all moms should be encouraged to be good moms and should be respected and honored for their dedication to their children.

A Study in the book of Daniel : Chapter 1 – Part 1 I Need a Hero (Part 1)


After a long time looking forward to it, I’ve finally started a series on the Book of Daniel.  It should be lots of fun because on the one hand it’s very well known for its stories about Daniel in the Lion’s Den and Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego in the fiery furnace.  But at the same time, a lot of people have never dug into the prophecy in the second half of the book, which is so interwoven with many of the other Old Testament prophets in scripture, and New Testament writings,  including the Book of Revelation, which has intricate connections with Daniel.

So this first part is an introduction that sets up the book, and gives a little taste of the history and political environment leading up to Daniel’s life.  I hope you enjoy it!

Click the Podcast link to listen.

All or Nothing


Have you ever gone swimming in water that was kind of cold?  You know, like when you go in the ocean and you first step in and it’s freezing.  You know once you get in all the way you’ll get used to it, but with each step the cold creeps up your legs.  And everybody knows the best thing to do is just plunge all the way in.  But a lot of people just don’t want to do that.  They know it’s best but they don’t like the idea of that instant chill.  Could it be the same with a lot of people when it comes to faith?