Daniel Chapter 9 – Part 9: How Much Longer?


Have you ever wanted Jesus to come back and save you from all the problems of this world? Well if you really know Jesus, then you know the main reason he hasn’t come back yet is because he wants more people to get saved.  He’s counting on Christians to keep spreading the gospel.  That way, when he does come back, there will be less people who have to suffer eternal punishment and more people who get to enjoy a relationship with the Lord.  There’s a lot of work to do.  And we don’t know how much time we have to do it.  So while you’re waiting, you ought to be saving some souls!

And if you’re on the other side and you’re hoping that Jesus is never really coming back because you know you’ll be in big trouble, today is a good day to make a change in your life.  You can turn around now, so when Jesus does come back, you can celebrate his return rather than dread it.


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