Daniel Chapter 9 – Part 8: Freeze Ray


Have you’ve ever wondered about the connection between Christianity and the Jewish people?  Obviously Jesus himself was a Jew, as were all 12 of his disciples.  So the Christian church was started by Jews in Israel and spread out from there.  But the church also felt a disconnect because most Jews (especially most of the religious leaders) rejected Christ and, of course,  had him crucified.  And what’s interesting to think about is that Jesus said he came to his people.  And if you read through the New Testament, you see that because Jesus was rejected by most of his own, the Gentiles adopted into Christ’s church.  But what’s even more interesting is that God has not abandoned the Jews.  Gentile believers have been grafted in to the God’s tree, but Daniel 9 helps to reveal that God has not forgotten his promise to Abraham, and still has big plans for the children of Abraham.  But because Jesus met with so much resistance from his own, he has turned his attention to everybody else, and is hoping to use Gentile believers to entice the Jewish people back into the plans that God has to bless them.  And once those plans kick back into gear, there are going to be big things happening in the world!


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