

Jesus said that the greatest love is shown when a person is willing to lay down his life for a friend.  I’ve heard so many true stories of people who gave their life to save somebody else or to save a group of people, and they’re always amazing.  I’ve often wondered how I would react in a similar situation.  If it was my family, like my wife or child, I’m sure there would be no hesitation to make that sacrifice for them.  But what about for a close friend, or an acquaintance, or a stranger, or even an enemy?  Yet that’s what Jesus did for us.   While we were still his enemies, Christ died to save us.  That is truly amazing, and it does demonstrate an amazing love.

So if the greatest love is shown by sacrificing your own life to save somebody else’s, then wouldn’t the greatest hate be to sacrifice somebody else’s life for the convenience of your own?  Have you ever thought about that–how unkind and uncaring and intensely selfish it would be to take someone else’s life simply to improve your comfort?  Can you imagine anyone being so calloused?  But it happens all the time.


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