Daniel Chapter 9 – Part 3: A Signed Confession


Have you ever noticed that it’s kind of an unusual event when somebody confesses to a crime?  People don’t like to admit to being wrong.  You can see some wonderful examples of that in our own government lately.  But all sorts of people do this.  The problem with that though, is that you can’t solve a problem that “doesn’t exist.”  You have to admit there is a problem before you can fix it.

So since we live in a culture of “It’s not my fault” and “Don’t judge me” and “Nobody’s perfect”, nothing ever gets any better because people hide behind excuses.  Daniel gave a great example of beginning the healing and restoration process for his whole nation, by first admitting that they had totally screwed things up and that it was their fault and that they need God’s help to get right again.

If you’d like to see healing and restoration in your own life or your marriage or family or even country, this pray of Daniel is a good example to follow.

Click the link to hear what he was praying about.


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